About Us

Hi, my name is Nicola!

I am the owner of Eco Charlie based here in country Victoria.

I am a mum of four gorgeous people, Darcy, Patrick, Charlotte and Ruby, and wife of an amazing man, Marcus.  We live with a menagerie of two grumpy dogs, one guard cat, 50 fish in an aquaponics set up, two lazy lizards, and (for the short term) six monarch butterflies.

I grew up in South Gippsland and only moved to Melbourne to study a Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood) at the University of Melbourne.  I taught kindergarten for 15 years, but always had a dream in the back of my mind that I wanted to open my own educational family store.

The dream started to take shape while I was on maternity leave from teaching kindergarten.  I made my own wooden, knitted and felted natural toys to sell online.  This grew from working at my kitchen table, to our spare room, to an office space, to a small retail store to where we are now in a large retail store in the main street of Whittlesea. What an adventure it has been!

I have always been pulled towards natural products and a low-tox life. Growing up, my mum had so many allergies and we were never allowed to use sprays and chemicals at home. This is a way of life for me and I am so happy that it is now so easy and accessible for everyone to make simple changes to live a low-tox life 


Welcome to the store of all my favourite things.

